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Pentagon Reports Continued Hospitalization Of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

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US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin remains hospitalized in “good condition” after receiving treatment for prostate cancer, as reported by the Pentagon.

According to an official statement, Mr. Austin has resumed some of his responsibilities and is in regular communication with his senior staff. The release did not specify a definite date for his discharge from the hospital.

The 70-year-old Defense Secretary was admitted to an intensive care unit on January 1 due to complications from a late-December surgery. Surprisingly, senior defense officials and the White House were unaware of the severity of his condition until three days later.

Pentagon press secretary Maj Gen Pat Ryder, in a statement on Saturday, assured that Mr Austin has complete access to secure communication tools and is actively monitoring the Department of Defense’s global operations. Daily updates on his condition are promised.

Given the Defense Secretary’s crucial role in the chain of command and the cabinet, his undisclosed hospitalization has raised security and transparency concerns. This led to three investigations, including one by the Pentagon’s inspector general. The White House ordered a 30-day assessment, and the cabinet secretary’s office conducted a separate review.


Criticism has been directed at Mr. Austin for not promptly informing senior officials about his health status. He has since apologized for the delay, and President Joe Biden, while acknowledging the sub-optimal communication, has supported him.

In response to the incident, the White House has instructed cabinet secretaries to promptly notify the administration when they are unable to carry out their duties.

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